Introducendo DACOS

Rivoluzionare l'articolatore digitale

Informazioni su DACOS

Informazioni su DACOS

Informazioni su DACOS

Benvenuti nel DACOS (Digital Antonello Croce Occlusal System). Sviluppato in collaborazione con Blender For Dental e Ruthinium. Ideato dal nostro Antonello Croce, questo progetto combina l'expertise delle principali aziende nella odontoiatria digitale per offrirvi una soluzione veramente innovativa. Il Sistema DACOS è un sistema in attesa di brevetto progettato per facilitare il trasferimento senza soluzione di continuità di modelli stampati in 3D e protesi negli articolatori tradizionali con l'uso di magneti. Fornisce una soluzione unica nel flusso di lavoro della odontoiatria digitale, specialmente per le applicazioni protesiche, dove non ci sono metodi alternativi per riposizionare la protesi nell'articolatore tradizionale per il controllo occlusale. È compatibile con tutti i tipi di articolatori.

Introducendo DACOS

Cosa fa?


Il sistema innovativo che ti consente di riposizionare qualsiasi modello stampato in 3D nel tuo articolatore tradizionale utilizzando un sistema basato su magneti. È ottimizzato per la stampa di modelli 3D, offrendo una soluzione unica sul mercato.

Introducendo DACOS

Come Funziona?


L'uso del DACOS si basa sull'uso innovativo del modulo DACOS e del DACOS Plate. Questo sistema consente la generazione di un modello stampato in 3D con attacchi specifici. I magneti sono inseriti in questi attacchi, permettendo al modello di attaccarsi facilmente e in modo sicuro all'articolatore. Il DACOS Plate è progettata per riflettere perfettamente la geometria e le coordinate specificate nel modulo DACOS, garantendo che il modello stampato si allinei correttamente all'interno dell'articolatore. Questa tecnologia garantisce una precisione senza pari nel riposizionamento del modello, riflettendo fedelmente il design digitale originale mantenendo la precisione spaziale richiesta per controlli dentali di alta qualità.

Introducendo DACOS

Chi lo sviluppa e lo distribuisce?


Il componente software è stato sviluppato e sarà commercializzato da Blender For Dental®, un leader nel settore. All'interno del modulo software DACOS, gli utenti troveranno un pulsante che li indirizza all'e-commerce di Ruthinium® per l'acquisto del kit.

Ruthinium gestisce la distribuzione del DACOS KIT e dei suoi componenti attraverso la propria piattaforma di e-commerce e la rete di distribuzione. Ogni kit DACOS includerà un codice QR che, scansionato, indirizzerà gli utenti al sito di Blender For Dental per l'acquisto del modulo software.




Applicazione Universale
Compatibile con tutti gli articolatori. Installalo una volta con gesso e benefici per tutta la vita.
Calibrazione Integrata
Grazie all'auto-installazione, la prima volta che installi DACOS, si adatterà automaticamente alle impostazioni specifiche del tuo articolatore
Progettato per la stampa
Progettato meticulosamente per integrarsi perfettamente con 3D Printing Nesting.

"One Click, All Set"



Inizia installando il DACOS Plate nel tuo articolatore utilizzando il calibratore corretto (40mm-60mm) del kit DACOS. Questa installazione una tantum garantisce la compatibilità con qualsiasi articolatore e assicura precisione a lungo termine, senza necessità di ricalibrazione. Una volta installato, sei pronto per partire!


DACOS I tuoi modelli

Trasforma i tuoi modelli esistenti da software come Exocad o 3Shape in modelli pronti per DACOS utilizzando il Modulo DACOS in Blender For Dental. Basta selezionare il tuo modello, quindi fare clic su “Finisci Superiori” o “Finisci Inferiori” per completare il processo. In pochi clic, i tuoi modelli sono pronti per essere esportati e stampati.


Stampa e Articola

Stampa i tuoi modelli con il tuo sistema di stampa 3D preferito. Non c'è bisogno di preoccuparsi per i supporti: basta posizionare i modelli orizzontalmente e fare clic su Nesting Automatico. Una volta stampato, utilizza lo Strumento GlueJet per posizionare il magnete nel modello, e sei pronto per articolare i modelli nel tuo articolatore scelto!

Alcune domande a cui rispondere.

Can I nesting the models with supports underneath it when using DACOS?

Absolutely, and we even recommend it! The DACOS system is meticulously designed to integrate seamlessly with 3D printing processes, including those that use supports. One of the key benefits of DACOS is its ability to adapt smoothly to dimensional variations that may occur along the Z-axis during 3D printing.

The overexposed layers of the model expand horizontally and are located on the base beneath the supports. This design ensures that the model is built with correct exposure, preventing any vertical deformation during detachment from the FEP film—unless there are anomalies with the printer, print speed, or process interruptions.

Additionally, the inside of the attachments is deliberately free of supports in critical areas and has horizontal extensions that are reduced below the deformation threshold, eliminating the risk of structural collapse during the build. The supports are configured with optimal inclinations to prevent any collapse, ensuring that the model retains its structural integrity.

DACOS not only allows but recommends placing supports under the model to guarantee the accuracy and stability of the printing process, offering a reliable and effective system for all professionals in digital dentistry.

If I apply too much adhesive, won't it affect the final Z position?

No need to worry! We've already thought of everything. Simply ensure that you apply the required amount of adhesive and use the GlueJet included in the kit to glue the magnet in place. The part that makes contact with the articulator is not the magnet itself but a specially designed surface that avoids any undesired variation in the Z position. This feature is visible through the attachment windows, allowing you to check alignment without interference.

Do my articulators need to be calibrated?

With DACOS, calibrating your articulators is no longer a concern. Thanks to the integrated auto-calibration system, DACOS adapts to the specific settings of your articulator the first time you install it. This ensures that the installation is always precise and correct, eliminating the need for repeated calibration and adjustment of your articulators.

Can I use DACOS with Exocad, 3Shape and others CAD?

Absolutely, DACOS is fully compatible with others CAD system! To use it, simply export the models generated in Exocad or 3Shape while maintaining the original spatial coordinates. Then, import these models into the DACOS module, and with a simple click, the models will be ready to be re-exported and printed. DACOS seamlessly integrates with existing workflows, making the process smooth and uninterrupted.

Can I use DACOS with a facebow?

Absolutely! DACOS is designed to be the final element in the digital workflow. If you’ve used a digital facebow transfer system, you won’t have any issues transferring that data to the analog articulator. Just import the models with the digital coordinates acquired from your facebow system into the software, and DACOS will ensure that those models perfectly replicate the recorded position. DACOS is the ideal tool for transforming digital data into precise analog results, making the transition between the two worlds seamless.

How can I get started with DACOS?

Getting started with DACOS is easy and straightforward. Here’s how you can begin integrating this innovative system into your practice:

1. Visit the Blender For Dental Website:

• Go to the website to purchase the DACOS software module. This module is essential for preparing your digital models with the specific DACOS features.

• The software is designed to integrate seamlessly with your existing CAD systems, allowing you to import your models, position them precisely, and finalize them for printing with just a few clicks.

2. Purchase the DACOS KIT from Ruthinium:

• Head over to Ruthinium’s e-commerce platform to buy the DACOS KIT. This kit includes all the physical components you need, such as the DACOS Plate, magnets, GlueJet, and other accessories required for installation.

• Each DACOS KIT comes with a QR code that, when scanned, will direct you back to the Blender For Dental website for any additional resources or to purchase the software module if you haven’t already.

3. Follow the Installation Instructions:

• Both Blender For Dental and Ruthinium provide detailed instructions and tutorials to guide you through the installation process.

• Ensure that you follow these instructions carefully for correct installation, which is crucial for the system’s optimal function and to guarantee precision.

4. Utilize Training and Support:

• Take advantage of the training materials and customer support offered by both companies. They are dedicated to helping you get the most out of DACOS.

• Ongoing support is available to answer any questions and to assist you in integrating DACOS smoothly into your workflow.

5. Begin Transforming Your Practice:

• With both the software and hardware components in place, you are now ready to start using DACOS.

• Enjoy the benefits of enhanced precision, efficiency, and the ease of transferring your digital designs to analog articulators.

Can I nesting the models with supports underneath it when using DACOS?

Absolutely, and we even recommend it! The DACOS system is meticulously designed to integrate seamlessly with 3D printing processes, including those that use supports. One of the key benefits of DACOS is its ability to adapt smoothly to dimensional variations that may occur along the Z-axis during 3D printing.

The overexposed layers of the model expand horizontally and are located on the base beneath the supports. This design ensures that the model is built with correct exposure, preventing any vertical deformation during detachment from the FEP film—unless there are anomalies with the printer, print speed, or process interruptions.

Additionally, the inside of the attachments is deliberately free of supports in critical areas and has horizontal extensions that are reduced below the deformation threshold, eliminating the risk of structural collapse during the build. The supports are configured with optimal inclinations to prevent any collapse, ensuring that the model retains its structural integrity.

DACOS not only allows but recommends placing supports under the model to guarantee the accuracy and stability of the printing process, offering a reliable and effective system for all professionals in digital dentistry.

If I apply too much adhesive, won't it affect the final Z position?

No need to worry! We've already thought of everything. Simply ensure that you apply the required amount of adhesive and use the GlueJet included in the kit to glue the magnet in place. The part that makes contact with the articulator is not the magnet itself but a specially designed surface that avoids any undesired variation in the Z position. This feature is visible through the attachment windows, allowing you to check alignment without interference.

Do my articulators need to be calibrated?

With DACOS, calibrating your articulators is no longer a concern. Thanks to the integrated auto-calibration system, DACOS adapts to the specific settings of your articulator the first time you install it. This ensures that the installation is always precise and correct, eliminating the need for repeated calibration and adjustment of your articulators.

Can I use DACOS with Exocad, 3Shape and others CAD?

Absolutely, DACOS is fully compatible with others CAD system! To use it, simply export the models generated in Exocad or 3Shape while maintaining the original spatial coordinates. Then, import these models into the DACOS module, and with a simple click, the models will be ready to be re-exported and printed. DACOS seamlessly integrates with existing workflows, making the process smooth and uninterrupted.

Can I use DACOS with a facebow?

Absolutely! DACOS is designed to be the final element in the digital workflow. If you’ve used a digital facebow transfer system, you won’t have any issues transferring that data to the analog articulator. Just import the models with the digital coordinates acquired from your facebow system into the software, and DACOS will ensure that those models perfectly replicate the recorded position. DACOS is the ideal tool for transforming digital data into precise analog results, making the transition between the two worlds seamless.

How can I get started with DACOS?

Getting started with DACOS is easy and straightforward. Here’s how you can begin integrating this innovative system into your practice:

1. Visit the Blender For Dental Website:

• Go to the website to purchase the DACOS software module. This module is essential for preparing your digital models with the specific DACOS features.

• The software is designed to integrate seamlessly with your existing CAD systems, allowing you to import your models, position them precisely, and finalize them for printing with just a few clicks.

2. Purchase the DACOS KIT from Ruthinium:

• Head over to Ruthinium’s e-commerce platform to buy the DACOS KIT. This kit includes all the physical components you need, such as the DACOS Plate, magnets, GlueJet, and other accessories required for installation.

• Each DACOS KIT comes with a QR code that, when scanned, will direct you back to the Blender For Dental website for any additional resources or to purchase the software module if you haven’t already.

3. Follow the Installation Instructions:

• Both Blender For Dental and Ruthinium provide detailed instructions and tutorials to guide you through the installation process.

• Ensure that you follow these instructions carefully for correct installation, which is crucial for the system’s optimal function and to guarantee precision.

4. Utilize Training and Support:

• Take advantage of the training materials and customer support offered by both companies. They are dedicated to helping you get the most out of DACOS.

• Ongoing support is available to answer any questions and to assist you in integrating DACOS smoothly into your workflow.

5. Begin Transforming Your Practice:

• With both the software and hardware components in place, you are now ready to start using DACOS.

• Enjoy the benefits of enhanced precision, efficiency, and the ease of transferring your digital designs to analog articulators.

Can I nesting the models with supports underneath it when using DACOS?

Absolutely, and we even recommend it! The DACOS system is meticulously designed to integrate seamlessly with 3D printing processes, including those that use supports. One of the key benefits of DACOS is its ability to adapt smoothly to dimensional variations that may occur along the Z-axis during 3D printing.

The overexposed layers of the model expand horizontally and are located on the base beneath the supports. This design ensures that the model is built with correct exposure, preventing any vertical deformation during detachment from the FEP film—unless there are anomalies with the printer, print speed, or process interruptions.

Additionally, the inside of the attachments is deliberately free of supports in critical areas and has horizontal extensions that are reduced below the deformation threshold, eliminating the risk of structural collapse during the build. The supports are configured with optimal inclinations to prevent any collapse, ensuring that the model retains its structural integrity.

DACOS not only allows but recommends placing supports under the model to guarantee the accuracy and stability of the printing process, offering a reliable and effective system for all professionals in digital dentistry.

If I apply too much adhesive, won't it affect the final Z position?

No need to worry! We've already thought of everything. Simply ensure that you apply the required amount of adhesive and use the GlueJet included in the kit to glue the magnet in place. The part that makes contact with the articulator is not the magnet itself but a specially designed surface that avoids any undesired variation in the Z position. This feature is visible through the attachment windows, allowing you to check alignment without interference.

Do my articulators need to be calibrated?

With DACOS, calibrating your articulators is no longer a concern. Thanks to the integrated auto-calibration system, DACOS adapts to the specific settings of your articulator the first time you install it. This ensures that the installation is always precise and correct, eliminating the need for repeated calibration and adjustment of your articulators.

Can I use DACOS with Exocad, 3Shape and others CAD?

Absolutely, DACOS is fully compatible with others CAD system! To use it, simply export the models generated in Exocad or 3Shape while maintaining the original spatial coordinates. Then, import these models into the DACOS module, and with a simple click, the models will be ready to be re-exported and printed. DACOS seamlessly integrates with existing workflows, making the process smooth and uninterrupted.

Can I use DACOS with a facebow?

Absolutely! DACOS is designed to be the final element in the digital workflow. If you’ve used a digital facebow transfer system, you won’t have any issues transferring that data to the analog articulator. Just import the models with the digital coordinates acquired from your facebow system into the software, and DACOS will ensure that those models perfectly replicate the recorded position. DACOS is the ideal tool for transforming digital data into precise analog results, making the transition between the two worlds seamless.

How can I get started with DACOS?

Getting started with DACOS is easy and straightforward. Here’s how you can begin integrating this innovative system into your practice:

1. Visit the Blender For Dental Website:

• Go to the website to purchase the DACOS software module. This module is essential for preparing your digital models with the specific DACOS features.

• The software is designed to integrate seamlessly with your existing CAD systems, allowing you to import your models, position them precisely, and finalize them for printing with just a few clicks.

2. Purchase the DACOS KIT from Ruthinium:

• Head over to Ruthinium’s e-commerce platform to buy the DACOS KIT. This kit includes all the physical components you need, such as the DACOS Plate, magnets, GlueJet, and other accessories required for installation.

• Each DACOS KIT comes with a QR code that, when scanned, will direct you back to the Blender For Dental website for any additional resources or to purchase the software module if you haven’t already.

3. Follow the Installation Instructions:

• Both Blender For Dental and Ruthinium provide detailed instructions and tutorials to guide you through the installation process.

• Ensure that you follow these instructions carefully for correct installation, which is crucial for the system’s optimal function and to guarantee precision.

4. Utilize Training and Support:

• Take advantage of the training materials and customer support offered by both companies. They are dedicated to helping you get the most out of DACOS.

• Ongoing support is available to answer any questions and to assist you in integrating DACOS smoothly into your workflow.

5. Begin Transforming Your Practice:

• With both the software and hardware components in place, you are now ready to start using DACOS.

• Enjoy the benefits of enhanced precision, efficiency, and the ease of transferring your digital designs to analog articulators.